The Process

The Process

Vereigen Media Publisher

Your content - delivered to your target audience - within their workflow.

Our network of published sites allows for inobtrusive and relevant content delivery to increase your TAM’s UX and reduce friction for optimum lead development and performance.

Our Digital Process - your prospect’s user journey

Reduced friction throughout, to deliver maximum value and conversion for your lead generation programs.

VM Intelligence

Our proprietary algorithm

Shifts through millions of internal content engagement signals to uncover specific intelligence data at both the company and persona levels.

This data allows us to further reduce friction in our verified content engagement  efforts and offer value through content delivery to those in the space who have a higher likelihood to convert.


SMART ABM - Vereigen Media

Vereigen Media’s SMART ABM 

(Simplification of Marketing Activities and Response Technology) is the biproduct of our VM Intelligence engine and allows us to optimize content delivery in alignment with your internal Target Account Lists (TAL).

Finding the right contacts, at your most valuable targets, at the right time, to deliver ultimate value.

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