Optimizing Sales Cycles with higher value comes with expectations!

Here are four personalization tactics B2B sales and marketing teams can use in an ABM campaign.

Todd Forsyth, chief marketing officer of Merits Technologies and former senior vice president of digital marketing at Dell, was at his best when he said, “To focus on the customer and deliver a personalized experience, you need to leverage all aspects of marketing collectively in a single approach. While Forsyth is not specifically referring to account-based marketing, his quote is more than applicable to anyone leading or considering running an ABM campaign.

These clients expect your company, or the vendor they are considering, to put in the time and effort. If they’re going to spend their precious dollars on your product or service, they want to have “humanized” experiences. Personalization in itself is loved and noticed by your customer or audience, but when used omnichannel and holistically, it is a powerful force that can make or break a potential conversion.

While most ABM campaigns benefit tremendously from personalized experiences, it’s not an easy feat to achieve. According to HubSpot, the common challenge faced by B2B marketers who run an ABM campaign is to “deliver a personalized experience. Customization takes time, manpower, and resources (which these days are usually limited). However, there are some simple and straightforward ways to build personalization into the customer journey.

Here are a few personalization tactics B2B sales and marketing teams can use in an ABM campaign.

Personalizing content marketing starts with the basics: you need to know who you are targeting and what stage of the sales funnel they are in. Different accounts require different content. Many account-based marketers use intent data to gain information about the account and funnel location, but the personalization needs to extend to the exact type of content you’re offering. Is this a blog post on the awareness stage or a detailed product comparison?

This tactic also applies to existing customers rather than new ones. Current accounts won’t need general information about what you’re currently offering, but they might be interested in a white paper on how your company’s new tool can fit into their current technology strategy or stack.

You’ll need a custom copy, images, and layouts designed for specific accounts. But it’s worth it. In fact, 79% of consumers say they would likely only engage if the content or message on the webpage was personalized for their unique experience (example).

You’ll also need additional tools, such as clear bit Reveal and HubSpot, to find out which companies are visiting your site and have the option of offering them a specific landing page. Once the tools are implemented, however, you will be able to deliver personalized content every time the affected account reaches your site and reap the rewards.

Finally, the feature that is on everyone’s mind these days is chat marketing or chat messaging. According to MobileMonkey, B2B chat users see a 25% reduction in customer service costs and 75% more conversions. Instant messaging is a B2B marketer’s dream – it can be personalized for one-on-one interactions and possibly scaled-down. Depending on the amount of site traffic your business sees each day, personalized chat can also be automated by advancing the personalization factor.

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